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My first weekend here has been great, feels like I've been here for a while already to be honest..not just 4 days!
Yesterday me and Jen went for a drive in the big car and went around the area just for me to get to know it a bit better and to get to know the car better. Later that day I took the smaller car to Target and bought some things I needed like shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste etc.
Today is my first actual "workday", went up a little after 6am this morning and helped preparing breakfast, get the kids ready for school and then cleaned up and threw in some laundry while Jen drove the kids to school. In a bit we are heading of to the store to get some grocery shopping done for the week!

Already feel a lot like home here, the kids are adorable and I feel like I get along very well with Jen and Kit as well as they are very straight forward people which makes everything so much easier on my behalf. As they moved in to the house where we are living now just 1,5 month ago there is obviously still some things to be done around the house and my room as well but over all I really like my room and the rest of the house. The area where we live is pretty insane as well, most houses are huge and all the gardens look so perfect everywhere as well..I don't understand how they do it haha!

Later today I'm going ice-skating with Tom and Felix.. cant remember the last time I skated and am sure I will fall several times..hopefully I wont hurt myself too bad!



