Time flies
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Time has pretty much been flying by since last time I wrote. During this time away from the blog I have met some awesome new people, had awesome beer, and been really busy with the family as this week has been filled with snow days, even though there hasn't really been much snow… Typical Atlanta!

Since there is really not much exciting things right all just so show you some pictures and explain a little bit about some of them 😊
Had some very cheesy pizza with Sara and Magda a few days back, was delicious:

Been doing a little bit of crafting with the kids, I think I enjoy it just as much as they do haha:

Been to tae kwon do several times watching Felix progress and getting some quality time with Victoria:

Did my first tourists trip in Atlanta together with two new awesome friends and got to see the Atlanta skyline ass seen on the walking dead which was pretty rad:

Also visited world of beer with these friends and got to drink some nice German weißbier and eat a huge German pretzel… Yummy:

other than that, because of the cold weather lately there have been a lot of indoor activities such as visiting catch air, baking cookies, Gymboree and other things: