Day 24
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Yet another Sunday has come. It's pretty crazy how time flies once you've gotten settled in and all. Still some minor things to fix but other than that everything is perfect.

News are that Jen got a job at a school in the area, which means some more responsibility and more time alone with the kids which will be both great but probably a bit tiring at times as well which is what you would expect of being an au pair! I'm sure it will go great!
Yesterday I met up with a Swedish girl in Lenox mall, we walked around for a bit and then went to eat's crazy that I've started to like it considering I never really did before, but my family eats sushi every Wednesday so I've come to like it quite a bit.
Later in the evening I met up with Sara and a German girl to go to Alpharetta to see horrible bosses 2, it costed us 1,75$ which is crazy cheap haha.
Today is super bowl (not that I have a clue about American football) that we might watch for a bit, we'll see!
Some pictures from the last days are coming here:
Playing in our new favorite park:

Wednesday dinners:

She likes to play in strange places..:

I took the muesli making one step further and did muesli bars:

After Felix Tae Kwon Do we went to catch air to play and eat ice cream: