2 months
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Sorry for being so bad when it comes to updating this blog… As you might understand I have more important things to do than to write here although I would love you all to know about all my endeavors here in the states.
Since last my little Princess Victoria has turned two, I've been out to the bars for my first two times since turning 21 which has been pretty rad. Other than that things have been floating pretty much in the same way as before.  I've been meeting some new awesome people and hanging out with awesome people I knew from before as well and feel really happy to have so many great people around me.
In the days to come my host mom is leaving to spend five days in Sweden which means me and Kit will be home alone with the kids from Thursday to Monday which will be interesting but I'm sure it will be fine. As the kids are on spring break this week as well it means this week will be pretty intense and I am probably working most of the weekend as well!

That's my update for now and per usual here comes some pictures:

The Swedish playgroup:
Being creative:
My personal little clown:
My beautiful babies:
Victoria turning two:
Bought Victoria two presents, a jacket and a bunny:
And here are some other mixed pictures from the last weeks: